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Wood-burning stove with fire surrounded by stacked firewood for efficient burning.

How to Store Kiln-Dried Logs for Maximum Burning Efficiency

Rhodri Evans |

Ah, the crackling warmth and ambience of a real wood fire, there are few things that can beat it, aren't there? It's a scene straight out of a winter holiday postcard. But what if we told you that the difference between a good fire and a great one is all about how you store your logs? Specifically, we're talking about kiln-dried logs, the Rolls Royce of firewood. These logs are known for their superb burning efficiency, all thanks to their reduced moisture content and increased heat output. But, like a fine wine, their quality can be significantly influenced by how they are stored.

Understanding Kiln-Dried Logs

When we talk about kiln-dried logs, we're referring to firewood that has undergone a specific drying process to reduce its moisture content. Unlike regular firewood, kiln-dried logs are placed in large kilns (essentially huge ovens) and heated to a specific temperature. This process helps remove the excess moisture from the wood, making it perfect for burning.

But why go through all this trouble? Well, kiln-dried logs have several advantages. They ignite faster, burn cleaner, and produce higher heat compared to their moist counterparts. This means fewer sooty deposits on your fireplace glass, less smoke, and a more efficient, warmer fire.

Detailed Explanation of Kiln-Drying Process

Understanding the kiln-drying process provides insight into the superior quality of kiln-dried logs. In the UK, the process involves heating the wood in a controlled environment to temperatures between 65°C and 115°C. The exact temperature and duration depend on the wood species but typically range from 24 to 48 hours. This rigorous method not only reduces the moisture content significantly but also kills any bugs or larvae, making the logs cleaner and safer to store and burn.

Typical Kiln-Drying Temperatures:

  • Softwoods: ~65°C - 90°C
  • Hardwoods: ~80°C - 115°C


  • Softwoods: 24-36 hours
  • Hardwoods: 36-48 hours

The kilns used for drying are often powered by renewable energy sources, aligning with the UK's sustainability goals. The process removes moisture evenly from the logs, ensuring a uniform dryness that's difficult to achieve with air-drying, especially in the UK's variable climate.

Moisture Content Specifications

For burning efficiency, kiln-dried logs should have a moisture content of less than 20%. This is the optimal level for logs to burn cleanly and efficiently, giving off the maximum amount of heat. Here's a simple table illustrating the difference in moisture content between log types:

Type of Log Moisture Content
Kiln-Dried Logs Less than 20%
Air-Dried Logs 20% - 25%
Green/Wet Logs Over 25%

To measure the moisture content, use a moisture meter. Simply split a log and test the freshly exposed surface. For accuracy, test several logs from different parts of the pile.

Safety Considerations

Safety is paramount when storing firewood. Here are some UK-specific guidelines to ensure your log storage is both safe and efficient:

  • Keep the area tidy: A cluttered storage area can be a fire hazard and a trip risk. Ensure logs are stacked neatly and pathways are clear.
  • Stable stacking: Avoid stacking logs too high to prevent them from toppling over. A maximum stack height of 1.2 metres is generally considered safe.
  • Smoke alarms: In enclosed storage areas, ensure there are working smoke alarms and that they comply with the UK's fire safety regulations.

Factors Affecting Log Storage

So, you've got your kiln-dried logs. Now, how do you store them? There are several factors to consider:

  • Moisture: Keeping the logs dry is crucial. Wet logs can lead to mould growth and decay, compromising their quality.
  • Air Circulation: Proper airflow prevents moisture buildup, keeping your logs nice and dry.
  • Temperature: While kiln-dried logs aren't too picky about temperature, extreme heat can cause them to dry out further and become brittle.
  • Protection from Elements: Rain, snow, and direct sunlight can affect the quality of your logs. Protection is key!

Use of Desiccants or Moisture Absorbers

In particularly damp regions of the UK, or during the more humid months, desiccants can be a useful addition to your wood storage strategy. Products like silica gel packs or calcium chloride-based absorbers can help maintain a dry environment.

Place these moisture absorbers strategically around your storage area, but never directly in contact with the logs to prevent any chemicals from leaching into the wood.

Desiccant Type Placement Strategy Frequency of Change
Silica Gel Around the storage area Every 1-2 months
Calcium Chloride In containers throughout the area As per product instructions or when saturated

Be sure to replace or recharge these products as needed, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Choosing the Right Storage Location

The location of your log storage can make all the difference in maintaining their quality. Indoor storage, such as a garage or shed, is ideal because it provides protection from the elements and allows for better air circulation.

However, if you opt for outdoor storage, you'll need a log shed or a covered storage area. And regardless of whether your logs are stored inside or outside, remember to keep them off the ground to prevent moisture absorption. A simple pallet can work wonders here!

Stacking and Arranging Logs

Now, let's talk about stacking your kiln-dried logs. First off, the way you orient your logs matters. Stacking them vertically, with the split side facing down, can promote better airflow.

As for the stack size, you don't want a towering pile of logs that could topple over. A stack height of about 1.2 metres is usually safe and accessible.

Spacing is also important. Leave small gaps between the logs to allow air circulation. They don't need to social distance, but giving each log a little personal space can go a long way!

For extra points, you can crisscross your logs or use a log rack to improve stability and airflow.

Seasonal Considerations

The UK's seasonal changes have a significant impact on how you should store your kiln-dried logs. To ensure the longevity and quality of your firewood, adjust your storage practices with the changing seasons:


During the wet and cold months, ensure your logs are stored off the ground to avoid moisture from snow and rain. If your storage is outdoors, a waterproof and breathable cover is essential to protect against snowfall and sleet.


As the weather begins to warm, check for any water damage or mould from winter and dry out your logs if necessary. This is also the time to start pest control measures as insects become more active.


High humidity can reintroduce moisture into your logs. Consider storing your logs in a well-ventilated area, shielded from rain but open to breezes.


Prepare for the coming cold months by restocking your supply. Keep an eye on early wet conditions and falling leaves, which can trap moisture and decay.

Season Considerations Action Items
Winter Snow, rain, cold temperatures Waterproof covers, elevate logs
Spring Warming, pests Dry out logs, start pest control
Summer Humidity, occasional rain showers Ensure ventilation, protect from rain
Autumn Wet conditions, falling leaves Restock and keep clear of debris

Long-Term Storage

For those who prefer to buy in bulk or harvest their own wood, long-term storage of kiln-dried logs requires extra attention:

  • Regular Checks: Even kiln-dried logs can absorb moisture over time. Check the moisture content every few months.
  • Rotation: Rotate your logs periodically to ensure that all logs remain dry and ready to burn.
  • Covering: Ensure that long-term covers are durable and UV resistant to prevent degradation over time.

Preserving Quality Over Years:

If you intend to store logs for over a year, consider the following:

  • Keep the storage area exclusively for wood to avoid contamination.
  • Allow more space between logs for increased airflow.
  • Consider a dedicated log store with a slated design for optimum air circulation.

In the UK, there are regulations regarding the storage and burning of firewood, intended to reduce pollution and prevent fire hazards. For instance, the Clean Air Act regulates the types of fuel that can be burned in different areas. Additionally, local councils may have specific rules on the quantity of firewood that can be stored, especially in urban settings. Always check your local council's guidelines before setting up your storage solution.

Covering and Protecting the Logs

You've chosen your location and stacked your logs beautifully. Now, it's all about protecting them from the elements. A tarp or cover can shield your logs from rain, snow, and direct sunlight, but don't forget about ventilation!

Ensure there's enough space under the cover for air to circulate. This prevents condensation and mould growth. Secure your cover well to prevent it from being blown away by strong winds.

Regularly inspect your logs for any signs of damage or decay. Any problematic logs should be removed promptly to prevent issues from spreading to the rest of the stack.

Monitoring and Maintaining Log Storage

Monitoring and maintaining your log storage is not a one-and-done job. Use a moisture meter to regularly check the moisture content of your logs.

Rotating the logs periodically can ensure even drying and prevent decay. Any logs that show signs of damage or decay should be promptly removed.

And finally, keep an eye out for pests. Wood-loving insects can cause damage to your logs, so consider using natural pest control methods to keep them at bay.

Pest Control Methods

The UK is home to various insects that can damage wood, such as the common furniture beetle or woodworm. Pest control is therefore an essential part of log storage:

  • Physical Barriers: Fine mesh screens can prevent insects from reaching your logs.
  • Natural Repellents: Cedarwood chips or eucalyptus leaves can deter insects and are a natural alternative to chemical repellents.
  • Regular Inspections: Early detection is key. Regularly inspect logs for signs of infestation, such as holes or sawdust.
  • Treatment: For active infestations, consider treating the affected area with a borate-based solution, which is effective against many wood pests and is less toxic than other chemical insecticides.

Maintaining a clean environment and reducing clutter will also discourage pests from settling in your woodpile.

Method Application Frequency
Physical Barriers Install around the perimeter of the storage area Once, check regularly
Natural Repellents Scatter among logs Every 2-3 months
Inspections Examine logs for pest activity Monthly
Treatment Apply to affected areas As needed

Implementing these strategies will help maintain the integrity of your kiln-dried logs and protect your investment.

Economic and Environmental Considerations

Kiln-dried logs are an economical choice for heating in the UK. While the upfront cost may be higher than regular logs, their low moisture content means you'll need less wood to produce the same amount of heat, saving money over time.

Environmentally, kiln-dried logs have a lower carbon footprint than coal and other fossil fuels. Their clean burn reduces particulate emissions, contributing to cleaner air quality. Moreover, many kiln-drying facilities in the UK use biomass or waste heat for drying, further minimizing environmental impact.

Tips for Buying Kiln-Dried Logs

When purchasing kiln-dried logs in the UK, look for suppliers who source sustainably harvested wood. Consider these tips:

  1. Look for Certification: FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) or PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) certifications indicate sustainably sourced timber.
  2. Check Moisture Content: Ask for proof of moisture content, or check yourself with a moisture meter upon delivery.
  3. Size Matters: Ensure the log sizes are consistent and suitable for your burner or fireplace.


So there you have it, everything you need to know about storing kiln-dried logs for maximum burning efficiency. Proper storage techniques can significantly extend the lifespan and quality of your logs, ensuring that every fire you light is as efficient, warm, and delightful as possible. Now, who's ready for a cosy fire?
Remember, when it comes to burning efficiency, it's not just about the firewood you choose, but how you care for it. So, treat your kiln-dried logs with respect and they'll reward you with many a warm, cosy night.