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Are Heat Logs Better Than Kiln Dried Logs?

heat logs vs kiln dried logs

Jonathan Hill |

Imagine attending a grand winter feasting party in the olden days. The crackling fire, the merry folk dancing around, the stories shared, and the kinship felt. Now, imagine being the one in charge of keeping that fire alive. Would you choose heat logs or kiln-dried logs to keep the flame going? It's not quite a question of the ages, but it is one that stokes up some interest.

In this article, we will delve into the comparison between heat logs and kiln-dried logs, providing you with insights and tips to make your decision easier.

What are Heat Logs?

Heat logs are a type of manufactured firewood product. They are made from compressed sawdust and wood shavings, without any binders or additives. Heat logs are known for their high energy output and the ability to burn with less smoke.

Are Heat Logs Better Than Kiln Dried Logs?

What are Kiln-Dried Logs?

On the other hand, kiln-dried logs are traditional firewood that has been dried in a kiln to remove moisture. The kiln-drying process ensures that the logs burn hotter and longer than fresh, green wood. Kiln-dried logs are also less likely to cause creosote buildup in your chimney, reducing the risk of chimney fires.

To learn more about kiln-dried logs, you can visit our dedicated collection of kiln-dried logs and explore the variety of options available.

Heat Logs vs Kiln-Dried Logs: A Comparison

1. Energy Output

Heat logs are known for their high energy output. This is due to their low moisture content, usually less than 10% compared to 20% or less for kiln-dried logs. However, the burn duration of kiln-dried logs like kiln-dried oak or kiln-dried ash can often outlast heat logs, making them a more economical choice for long, cosy nights by the fire.

2. Environmental Impact

When it comes to the environment, burning kiln-dried wood can have less of an environmental impact compared to heat logs. Kiln-dried logs, especially when sourced from sustainable sources, can be considered a renewable resource, protecting forests and supporting ecosystems.

3. Cost

As for cost, heat logs can often be cheaper than kiln-dried logs due to the materials and process used to create them. However, it might be worth considering the cost of kiln-dried logs as an investment in quality, performance and sustainability.

4. Handling and Storage

In terms of handling and storage, kiln-dried logs can require more space and effort. They are often larger and heavier than heat logs. Meanwhile, heat logs are compact, light, and easy to stack, making them a handy choice for those with limited storage space.


5. Smoke and Residue

Kiln-dried logs are less likely to cause creosote buildup in your chimney, reducing the risk of chimney fires. On the other hand, heat logs produce less ash residue, making clean-up a breeze.

To the question of which is better, the answer isn't as straightforward as one might hope. Both heat logs and kiln-dried logs have their own strengths and weaknesses. Your choice would depend on your specific needs and circumstances, such as your budget, storage space, and personal preference on environmental impact.

If you want to explore further about the pros and cons of using kiln-dried logs, we recommend reading about the advantages of kiln-dried wood and the disadvantages of kiln-dried wood.

So, are heat logs better than kiln-dried logs? Well, as the old saying goes, "Your mileage may vary." But armed with the information in this article, you can now make an informed choice based on your specific needs. Happy burning!